Anna & Daniel

Process - Satisfaction

When the participants in the process are apathetic or not engaged, then we need to focus on improving the satisfaction with the process

Improving Process Satisfaction

Our Leadership Diagnostic consists of two simple questions:
  • 1) Are you the leader of the group?

    If "Yes" then proceed to Question #2

  • 2) Are many in the group dissatisfied or dispassionate in their work?

    If you answered "Yes" to both 1 and 2 then it is 100% on YOU to fix it

Teams need three things to excel long-term, and individuals need to excel to feel satisfied.  It is a fundamental human desire to feel feel valued.  Maslow labeled it as "Self-Actualization" at the pinnacle of his hierarchy of needs.

The three things individuals and teams need:
1) The tools and resources to do their job
2) Input into how they do their own job
3) A sense of personal alignment with their job

As you can see, all three of those things relate directly to enabling the individual to feel important. Read more below

"Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely." - Dale Carnegie

Our leadership enhancement services range from periodic, one-on-one coaching sessions to multi-day interactive workshops with leadership teams. Because individual characteristics lead to fundamental differences in our preferences and perceptions of the world, we use personality testing and training for leaders and their teams as the foundation for our leadership curriculum.  We also work with leaders to clarify their personal leadership identity by developing their own leadership "doctrine." Contact us to discuss a tailored solution that meets your needs.

Sprint Deliverables:

  • Training and Coaching Services
  • Training Materials

The Leader's Primary Role: Making the Team Feel Important
The team can't make you give them the three things we list above, just like you can't make your boss give you those things, but as the leader it is your responsibility to provide them.... and if you consistently strive to do so (even though you will fail at times) then you will have a productive and happy team and that team would take a bullet for you rather than stab you in the back.

Even if you totally agree that providing those three things would lead to success and satisfaction, it takes significant effort and skill to live up to those commitments on a daily basis - especially since all individuals are different and leaders will have different styles.  No one is a perfect leader, but fortunately your people don't demand that you be perfect.  They can tell when you're in their court

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